Accessibility statement
This accessibility statement concerns the Trimble Feedback service and it was prepared on September 23, 2020. The law for providing digital services applies to this service. It requires that public web services must be accessible. Accessibility of the service has been reviewed by an external expert organization.
Accessibility status of the electronic service
The service partly fulfills the accessibility requirements.
Non-accessible content of the electronic service
The web site does not yet fully comply with the requirements. The following elements of the service need to be developed for accessibility. Reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is included in parentheses. Some visual elements of the service do not scale enough, when only the text is enlarged 200 percent (1.4.4), 4.3), heading structures are not always clear (1.3.1)., the tab element has been implemented as links, so its role is not clear to a screen reader (4.1.2).
Not included in the legislation
Map is not included in the legislation.
Did you find an accessibility defect in our electronic service?
Let us know about it, and we will do our best to fix it.
Give feedback:
Web accessibility feedback
Supervisory Authority
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) oversees the accessibility and accessibility of digital products and services.
Contact details of the Supervisory Authority:
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
Switchboard: 029 534 5000