Browse and select locations

Browse locations inside the city. Filter the search by event class, date, and estimated maximum number of participants for your event. View the area in the map view by clicking the event location. Apply for permit by clicking the Apply for event permit button.
If you cannot find a suitable location for your event, go to permit service and add your own event location with the drawing tools
areaAdd area
siteAdd point
on the map.
{{eventType | eventTypeToString:$parent.eventTypes}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}}
{{location.ReservableStartDate | dateRange: location.ReservableEndDate:'at':true}}
Event reservation
{{reservation.Name || "Nameless event"}} {{reservation.Name || "Nameless event"}}
{{reservation.StartDate | dateRange: reservation.EndDate:'at'}}
Apply for event permit
No reservable locations for the given search criteria.