Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement concerns the Trimble eServices Permit service and it was prepared on September 23, 2020. Accessibility of the service was reviewed by Trimble.

Accessibility status of the electronic service

The service partly fulfills the accessibility requirements.

Non-accessible content of the electronic service

The web site does not yet fully comply with the requirements. The following elements of the service need to be developed for accessibility. Reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is included in parentheses. Some visual elements of the service do not scale enough, when only the text is enlarged 200 percent (1.4.4), showing additional guidelines is difficult for keyboard use (2.1.1), focus order does not always follow the visual reading order (2.4.3), when adding a location, address selection is unclear with a screen reader (4.1.3), heading structures are not always clear (1.3.1).

Not included in the legislation

Map is not included in the legislation.

Did you find an accessibility defect in our electronic service?

Let us know about it, and we will do our best to fix it.

Give feedback:
Web accessibility feedback

Allow 14 days to receive a reply. If you are not satisfied with the answer, or do not get an answer in two weeks, you can contact Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The web site of Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland contains information about filing a complaint and how it will be processed.

Controlling authority

Unit of accessibility control
[email protected]
phone, operator 0295 016 000